habitat congregation

The Habitat Congregation consists of people from all walks of life who gather with a common interest in exploring what it means to become open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, follow the way of Jesus and be the people of God in our current context.

We meet for weekly worship, community activities and small groups. We are the body of Christ who seek to live in the image of God, share the inclusive hospitality and explore progressive engaging theology. In our living and all that flows from it, we strive to feed the soul with vibrancy, inspiration and dignity.

We attend to the human desire for meaning, identity and connection with the source of life. The word religion is derived from the Latin re ligio meaning to bind back to the source. We gather in the Christian tradition as part of the Uniting Church in worship, learning, pastoral care and in service.

join us!

You are welcome to visit any time and can become a member of the Habitat Uniting Church through conversation with our Interim Minister and the Church Council.

Contact us: office@habitatforspirituality.org.au or call 03 9819 2844.

You are always welcome to join us for Sunday worship at 10am, Habitat Uniting Church Canterbury, corner Burke and Mont Albert Roads.


Habitat Uniting Church Office
2 Minona Street, Hawthorn VIC
phone 9819 2844

St David's Centre
2 Mont Albert Rd (cnr Burke Rd)
Canterbury VIC

Habitat Spirituality Centre
SWell Centre (Ex Augustine)

2 Minona St, Hawthorn VIC

Kew Uniting Church
23 Highbury Grove